My Policy on Content Warnings
My opinion on content warnings is evolving, so this page attempts to find the balance between myself and the needs of the reader. I have attempted to cover significant and common triggers, such as sexual assault. I have not added labels for things such as food, clothes, or yearning. I also do not include minor mentions of things (e.g. if a character in passing mentions a family member died by suicide vs a book about coping with suicidal ideation).
Some of my books I have not read in a very long time and do not accurately remember
everything in them, so I apologize if I’ve missed anything major.
I have received reader requests asking (demanding) personal details of my life regarding the below experiences and themes because they only read “own voices” books. My personal experiences, labels, and identifiers are for me and me alone. If you need an author to out herself as “own voices” before you will read her books, I am not the author for you.
- Rape: off page, but referenced throughout the series
- Abortion
- The slaughter of children, the act is off page but aftermath on page and described
- Torture, various types all on page
- Battlefield medicine
- Slavery, off page but discussed as a major plot point
- Ritualistic self-harm, on page and detailed
- Recollections of death of beloved horse
- References to the slaughter of innocents, including animals
- Recovery from rape; on page discussion and thoughts
- Detailed battlefield violence, on page and persistent
- Battlefield medicine
- References to battlefield rape, off-page, but mentioned
- Rape threats, not acted upon, and verified on page
- Torture
- Detailed battlefield violence, on page and persistent
- References to battlefield rape, off-page, but mentioned
- Endangered beloved pets, but no harm comes to them
- Battlefield medicine
- Torture through starvation
Spirit Caller
- Troubled teen issues – on page, and includes drinking, partying, witchcraft, and parental conflict
- Religious conflict – on page and openly discussed
- Teen suicide, references and on-page attempt; also reliving one’s previous suicide attempt
- Adoption aftermath, on page meeting biological parent
- Beating-style violence, on page and medical aftermath
- Gun violence, on page and graphically described
- PTSD-like symptoms and mental health discussions
- Medical trauma recovery, on page and a major plot point
- Rape, off-page and in the past, but a major plot point
- Domestic abuse, off-page but aftermath on-page
- PTSD-like symptoms and mental health discussions
- End-of-life discussions
- Adoption aftermath, on page meeting biological parent
- Gun violence, on page and described
- On page discussions of previous violent events
- On page discussions of previous violent events
- Suicide, off-page and small references to it being in the past
- Senior death and discussions of death due to old-age, discussed but not shown on page
- Covid pandemic setting
Ladies Occult Society
- Grief, on page significant plot
- Recollection of the death of a beloved farm animal
- Pregnancy-related illness, on page
- Miscarriage, on page
- Epidemic, off page, but major theme
- Illness-caused dementia, on page and major theme
- Stillbirth, off page
- Death of a parent, on page
- Grief and mental illness, on page
- Discussions of family deaths, on page and major theme
The Dark Abyss of Our Sins
- Refugees, on page and major theme
- Torture, on page but brief descriptions
- Recollections of abortion
- PTSD-like symptoms, on page, and major theme
- PTSD-like symptoms, on page, and major theme
- Detailed battle injuries and recovery
- Torture, mostly off page but referenced frequently
- Sexual harassment (“sex pest”), frequent and on page
- Rape threats, on page, but not attempted
- Terrorist acts, on page, including suicide, assassinations, and bombings
- Trauma nightmares, on page and persistent
- Claustrophobia, on page
- Death of children, off-page but discussed
- Body trauma and organ smuggling, on page and major theme
- PTSD-related panic attack, on page and in graphic detail
- Suicidal ideation, on page and in graphic detail
- Rape threats, discussion about past events
- Enslavement, on page and major theme
- Mental breakdown
- Forced medical sterilization, off-page and in the past, but discussed and major theme
- Kidnapping and forced indentured servitude, on page and to multiple people
- Drug overdose, off-page but aftermath is on page
- Trauma about the death of adult children, on page and major theme
- Addiction; on-page references, but short
As Chris Lewis
- Cat abduction: the cat was found unharmed and returned to owner
As Dinah Lewis
- Outing of a gay man; on page
- Depictions of homelessness and addictions, on page and major theme
- Death of a named character
- Rape; off-page and in the past, but major plot point
- Stalking and online harassment, on page and major theme
- Anxiety and panic attacks, on page and major theme
- Addiction; discussions about the difficulty to quit smoking
- Death of parent by cancer; off-page and in the past, but a major theme