A Magical Inheritance
Miss Elizabeth Knight received an unexpected legacy upon her uncle’s death: a collection of occult books. When one of the books begins talking to her, she discovers an entire world of female occultist history opened to her—a legacy the Royal Occult Society had purposely hidden from the world. However, the magic allowing the book to speak to Miss Knight is fading and she must gather a group of female acquaintances of various talents. Together, they’ll need to work to overcome social pressures, ambitious men, and tyrannical parents, all to bring Mrs. Egerton, the book ghost, back.
Available in ebook, paperback, and hardcover.
A Ghostly Request
Miss Elizabeth Knight’s occult studies are thrown into chaos when her younger sister is finally allowed to come out into society. There are gowns and bonnets and shoes to purchase. However, all is not joyful at the rectory, for Isabella’s condition worsens daily. The Ladies Occult Society decides to summon a healing specialist to help. Distance and familial obligations slow the process, as Elizabeth travels to Mary’s for the coming out ball. Once there, she must face the difficult past with Mary, fight new battles, and work with Mrs. Egerton to summon another ghostly companion. Oh, and a young man is moving to Bryden, which is sure to ruin everything.
Available in ebook, paperback, and hardcover.
In the Society of Women
Three thousand pounds. It had become Miss Elizabeth Knight’s mantra as of late. For good reason, too. Another sibling on the way. Charles about to move back home. G out in society. And an illness turned her father erratic. When disaster strikes in London, Elizabeth heads to town to offer comfort and support, in between working on healing magic and summoning bickering sisters, under Mrs. Egerton’s ghostly gaze. But when a rider shows up at Aunt Cass’ house in the middle of the night, Elizabeth knows her life will never be the same. And she will need those three thousand pounds soon enough.
Available in ebook, paperback, and hardcover.
A Lady’s Choice
Miss Elizabeth Knight dedicated her life to her duty as a woman, a daughter, and as an elder sister, and the reward for that sacrifice was poverty and heartbreak. Except, there was another path now. And it will take her sisters, her friends, and some very determined ghosts to break Elizabeth’s old habits. For happiness is around the corner, if she can just be brave enough.
Coming soon in ebook, paperback, and hardcover.