What Kings Ate and Wizards Drank
Equal parts writer’s guide, comedy, and historical cookbook, fantasy author Krista D. Ball takes readers on a journey into the depths of epic fantasy’s obsession with rabbit stew and teaches them how to catch the blasted creatures, how to move armies across enemy territories without anyone starving to death, and what a medieval pantry should look like when your heroine is seducing the hero.
Learn how long to cook a salted cow tongue, how best to serve salt fish, what a “brewis” is (hint: it isn’t beer), how an airship captain would make breakfast, how to preserve just about anything, and why those dairy maids all have ample hips.
What Kings Ate will give writers of historical and fantastical genres the tools to create new conflicts in their stories, as well as add authenticity to their worlds, all the while giving food history lovers a taste of the past with original recipes and historical notes.
Buy the ebook, buy the paperback, or buy an autographed copy from Krista (note: shipping from Canada is usually $20 – email first).
Appropriately Aggressive
“If one more rando tells me that women have to be raped in fantasy because that’s how it was back then, I am going to cut someone. With a spoon.”
And so was born this eclectic collection of essays about science fiction and fantasy publishing, social media rants about sexism, and a generous sprinkle of stories, favourite things, and writing advice, all from Canadian SFF author, and general rabble rouser, Krista D. Ball. These essays represent copious bottles of Chablis, a shocking amount of poutine, and many supportive furry animal hugs.

Hustlers, Harlots, and Heroes
In this expanded and revised second edition, join award-winning author Krista D. Ball as she takes you on a fascinating journey into the world of the Have-Nots of the Georgian and Victorian eras.
Discover the world of knocker-uppers (it’s not what you think), mudlarks, and costermongers. Learn how to scrub floors and polish knives, pick for bones, and catch rats. Dive into Regency party planning, Victorian fast food, and learn the difference between a lady’s maid and a scullery maid. Read about the enterprising merchants, who sold everything from flowers to homemade condoms.
With her easy conversational style, Ball will captivate you with the stories of the past. Whether you’re an author, a Janeite, or just a fan of history, Hustlers, Harlots, and Heroes gives you a fresh look into a dark past that had plenty of personality.
All retailer link for ebooks and paperbacks (make sure to get the copy that has the red seal on the cover for “revised and expanded” edition). Buy an autographed copy from Krista (note: shipping from Canada is usually $20 – email first).